An Event and A Giveaway!


Happy Advent to all of you!

Today I want to give to one of you this Old Fashioned Yuletide Necklace Set. The rich hues of green and red will look lovely with your Christmas outfit!

Each link of the brass wire was hand-made and wrapped around itself and the bead creating a unique look and at the same time a very durable necklace! This is one of the oldest techniques for making jewelry by hand.
If you don’t wear jewelry yourself, think about someone you could give it to for Christmas.

il_570xN.681355551_ikneil_570xN.681234866_brgoI am also including a copy of my Advent/Christmas Maglet to the giveaway! (Margy’s not included in the deal, though she DOES make a great cook!) 😀

img_5055-001So please leave a cheery hello in the comment section and you will be included in the drawing which I will make Dec 19th!

And now the event. I know most of you are too far away but I thought I would post this anyway. You never know if one of you may be passing through!

(I forgot to put the day and date so that is why it is written on the corner by our good friend, David Gallant, who had to go through all of them and add this pertinent info!)

Yuletide celebration

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