A Giveaway, Photos and a Non-Update….


God is very patient….

I am not. Ugh.

I really wish I could update you that Rosie is doing better. But she isn’t.

I know some were confused because of the older Valentine’s Post I recently put up which sounded like Rosie was at least up and going to Legion of Mary. She’s not.

Please keep up the prayers. We are very grateful.

Here are some photos, Giveaway follows….

Margy, Gemma and Hannah on Gemma’s 15th Birthday

Rosie and Angelo get into the fun….

Vincent and Fr. Flood play their favorite game, Stratego. Fr. Flood doesn’t like to lose. Vincent and Angelo take great pleasure in beating him!

Devin and Theresa’s little people making cookies for Valentine’s Day. Theresa makes sure the ingredients are “friendly”…good sugars, good flour, etc. And then lets the kids have at it! 😀

Colin and Z’s little people…. (Notice the dozen roses and the Valentine decorations).

Vin and Gin’s little people… (some of them). Peter is beginning to get rambunctious and doesn’t like to sit in his high chair for long. It looks like Juliette and him are having a verbal duel…haha!

Theresa’s unique way of teaching Geography…putting the maps under the plastic on the table, so the children see it all the time and they can chat about what is going on in the world, where people live, etc.

Our good friend, Rev. Mr. Janosch Donner from Germany. He is a deacon and will be ordained in the FSSP this spring. We correspond with him regularly (sometimes Face-time…all the way from Germany!) and it is a pleasure, that is for sure! (Gemma is my P.R. lady and so she does most of our talking!)


Godson and grandson, Antonio, serving for the first time with Fr. Flood. Tony (Vin and Gin’s second oldest) did very well and we were proud of him. Gin didn’t think he was ready for Acolyte but Father got him up there anyway….

Baptism of new grandson, Augustine Dominic….number 28 grandchild! Sarah and Dom were very grateful and relieved as it had been a hard pregnancy!

Parents (Dom and Sarah) and Godparents (Crady and Catherine) of Augustine Dominic

The “Churching of the Mother” Ceremony …It is not a precept, but a pious and praiseworthy custom (Rituale Romanum), dating from the early Christian ages, for a mother to present herself in the Church as soon as she is able to leave her house (St. Charles Borromeo, First Council of Milan), to render thanks to God for her happy delivery, and to obtain by means of the priestly blessing the graces necessary to bring up her child in a Christian manner. -New Advent

Rosie and Magdalene. Magdalene will sit with Rosie for long periods…just chillin’ with her. Magdalene is definitely a “quality-time girl” that’s for sure!

Reading good books….

Below is a gallery of Rosie’s doilies she has crocheted since she has been sick. It is wonderful to see her have something to occupy her time….in spite of the headaches, the crochet hook keeps going!


And now….a Giveaway!

The winner will receive this lovely  handcrafted St. Zelie wire-wrapped necklace and earring set along with the wonderful book by the Walking Priest, Father Carney.

Just leave a comment here, and your name will be added! It is always great to hear from you. 🙂

I will announce the winner next Thursday!

The mother is the real homemaker. It is in her hands, that the tender life is laid for its first impressions. In all its education and culture, she has the main part. Her spirit makes the home atmosphere. The law of God makes the father the head of the household, and devolves upon him as such—the responsibility for the up building of his house, the training of his children, the care of all the sacred interests of his family. -J.R. Miller

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