First Communion/May Crowning!


May is such a beautiful month…a month of nature’s rebirth, the wonders of spring coming to fruition.

It is also the month of exciting graduations, and the time of expressing our gratefulness on Mother’s Day.

For Catholics, it is much more… It is the Month of Mary, the month of First Communions, Confirmations and May Crownings! A glorious month indeed!

This year, we had our first little batch of granddaughters receiving First Communions. Up to this point it has been grandsons. We had three young girls receiving Jesus for the first time…and what a blessing it was!

I was so inspired by my daughters and daughter-in-law! They made this day so special for the First Communions of their daughter. I’ve never seen anything quite like it…it was almost as big as a wedding! And shouldn’t it be? It is the most important day of their life!

They were ready on the inside. They studied and studied the First Communion Catechism questions throughout the year. When it was time to get tested…they were nervous, but ready!

And all the exterior prep that the mothers went to great length to accomplish…done with such care and fastidiousness, making everything as perfect as they could….They will always remember this day!

Below is the gallery….

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