The Epiphany and Some Blessings


The following is some inspiration to make your Epiphany special. There are many ways to do this; Mary Reed Newland tells of her family’s customs. Also included are some blessings that the father of the house or anyone who takes the role of “Leader” can do. These types of traditions not only make the day special with a certain solemnity but they bestow grace on the family.

by Mary Reed Newland, The Year and the Family

January 6 is the feast of the Epiphany, the celebration of the Three Kings’ journey to Bethlehem with their gifts; the day the children of the household journey to Bethlehem to take Him the gifts they have made during Advent, and the day the tiny kings join the rest of the Nativity figures in the creche.

They have been slowly inching their way across the mantel with their camel train, nearer each day. We bake a delicious Crown cake for the evening. Crown cake, King’s cake, Epiphany cake – any name you wish to give it – is baked in a tube pan so that it looks like a crown.

We have borrowed Mrs. Berger’s icing from Cooking for Christ, fluffy white and decorated with gumdrop jewels.

From the French we borrow the custom of baking a bean and a pea in the cake, as well as assorted objects of our own inspiration that have symbolisms, entirely invented. The bean and pea were supposed to fall to the king and queen for the night, but we have the bean portend a trip to Boston and the pea tells that you are a princess (secretly, of course).

A button means you will be a bachelor; a thimble, a seamstress. A penny means that you are going to be poor, and a dime, rich.

A ring? You’ll be married for sure. A raisin – I hate to tell you – you’ll be wrinkled. A chocolate bit? You’re sweet. You got nothing? That is to remind you that God loves you. Remember what our Lord said, “Blessed are those who believe and yet do not see.”

These things have only one purpose – fun. One caution: chew carefully.

Next the crowns are cut from aluminum foil or leftover Christmas wrappings. Where there are more than three children, the limited number would seem to pose a problem; but happily there is a possibility that there were more than three kings!

Some say it was assumed that the kings were three because the gifts were three; and some say it is because in Psalm 71, used in the Epiphany Mass, it is stated, “The kings of Tharsis and the Islands shall offer presents: the kings of the Arabians and of Saba shall bring gifts.”

They were probably not kings as we think of kings, for “Magi were Persian pseudo-scientists devoted especially to astrology and medicine.”

The Jews of the Dispersion who had been captured in wars or had migrated to foreign ports to trade had kept their faith, and it was undoubtedly from these that the Magi knew of the expected Messiah.

In the Middle Ages, the kings were given the familiar names Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar. The Fathers of the Church interpreted their gifts mystically as symbols of Christ’s kingship (gold), His divinity (frankincense, because it was used for worship in the temple), and His mortal humanity (myrrh, because it was used in the burial of the dead).

As for the attempts of modern astronomers to identify the star as a juncture of comets or as Halley’s or another comet, they have entirely ignored the miraculous nature of the Star of Bethlehem, its appearance, movement, and disappearance.

This may seem to complicate the celebration of the feast of the three kings – who were not kings, nor three. But if not kings by rank, they were kings by faith and noble bearing and persevering determination.

So we arrange crowns for the heads of as many kings as we must crown (visiting kings as well).

Epiphany means “manifestation”: this is the feast of God’s showing His Son to the world. One week after Epiphany we will celebrate another manifestation: when our Lord was baptized by St. John the Baptist, and God the Father spoke from Heaven, identifying Him.

And the second Sunday after Epiphany we celebrate the third great manifestation, heralding the beginning of His public life: the miracle at the wedding feast at Cana, where our Lord showed openly His divine power.

Many blessings are given traditionally on the Epiphany: the Blessing of Chalk; the Blessing of Gold and Frankincense; the Blessing of Bread, of Eggs, and of Salt; and the Blessing of Homes.

There is a difference between blessings given by a priest and the same blessings read by the father or some older member of the family when it is not possible to have the priest present.

But it is a mistake to consider them without efficacy when the layman reads them. By our Baptism we have a share in Christ’s Priesthood. If we are part of Christ in His Mystical Body, and He is High Priest, we share this with Him.

Ours is not the same as the power of the consecrated priest, but it is our right and privilege to ask God’s blessing on the things we use in daily life, and we should exercise this privilege often.

The Blessing of Chalk is usually given by a priest at church. The chalk is then distributed to the people, who take it home to use after the Blessing of the Home.

(Keep in mind that these prayers are originally for the priest, so it would not be appropriate for the leader to make the sign of the cross over anything.)


Leader: Our help is in the name of the Lord.
All: Who made heaven and earth.
Leader: The Lord be with you.
All: And with your spirit.
Bless, O Lord God, this creature chalk to render it helpful to men. Grant that they who use it in faith and with it inscribe scribe upon the entrance of their homes the names of thy saints, Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, may, through their merits and intercession, enjoy health of body and protection of soul. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Sprinkle chalk with holy water.) If this blessing is not ordinarily given at church, perhaps it could be if enough parishioners requested it; at any rate, it may be read by the father or one of the grown-ups at home.

In some parishes, it is a custom for the pastor to bless the homes of the parish from the church doorway, the people reading the words of the blessing at the same hour in their homes, and going in procession from room to room, sprinkling the house with holy water.

At the end of this procession, the father or another grown-up writes over the front door with the blessed chalk the year and the initials of the three kings, separated by crosses; for instance, 20 + C + B + M + 24


Leader: Peace be to this house.

All: And to all that dwell herein.

All: From the East, the Magi came to Bethlehem to adore the Lord; and opening their treasures, they offered costly gifts: gold to the great King, incense to the true God, and myrrh in symbol of His burial. Alleluia.

Now follows the reading of the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55).

The home is sprinkled with holy water, and following the Magnificat the antiphon is repeated: From the East …

Then the Our Father, silently.

Leader: And lead us not into temptation.

All: But deliver us from evil.

Leader: Many shall come from Saba.

All: Bearing gold and incense.

Leader: O Lord, hear my prayer.

All: And let my cry come unto thee.

Leader: The Lord be with you.

All: And with thy spirit.

Let us pray. O God, who, by the guidance of a star, didst this day reveal Thy sole-begotten Son to the Gentiles, grant that we who now know Thee by faith may be brought to the contemplation of Thy heavenly majesty. Through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.

All: Be enlightened and shine forth, 0 Jerusalem, for thy light is come, and upon thee is risen the glory of the Lord, Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary.

Leader: Nations shall walk in Thy light, and kings in the splendor of Thy birth. All: And the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.

Let us pray. Bless, O Lord, almighty God, this home that it be the shelter of health, chastity, self-conquest, humility, goodness, mildness, obedience to the commandments, and thanksgiving to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. May blessing remain for all time upon this dwelling and them that live herein. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Blessing of Any Victual may be used for the salt:


Let us pray. Bless, O Lord, this creature salt, so that it be a saving help to humankind; and grant that, by calling on Thy holy name, all who eat of it may experience health of body and protection of soul. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Sprinkle salt with holy water.)

Last, there is the: BLESSING OF THE EGGS

Let us pray. Let Thy blessing, Lord, come upon these eggs, that they be salutary food for the faithful who eat them in thanksgiving for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee forever and ever. Amen. (Sprinkle eggs with holy water.)

We have neither gold nor frankincense to bless this day, alas, unless we include our “Magi’s Gold” when we bless the food.

This is nothing more than candied orange peel made with the rinds of the Christmas oranges (navel oranges are best, but watch out that the children don’t peel them in little scraps and throw the peel away). Packed in small tin boxes with gilt paper and gilt bows, they are lovely gifts for friends.

All cookbooks have recipes for candied orange peel. Be sure to sprinkle the peel with granulated sugar (not all include this) because it gives it a beautiful jeweled look. Save the sugar that falls off for the tops of cookies.

This is the time of year that you should be able to get some Epiphany Water in your home! It is very powerful (and who doesn’t need some good power going on in their homes)! The blessing of Epiphany water has special exorcism prayers that no other holy water has. Use it often….teach your children the value of it and get them used to blessing themselves with it.



Beautiful quotes for the Twelve Days of Christmas from America Needs Fatima:

Need some help getting organized?Take a peek at this month of January Planner

The January printable is here.

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All 5 available here.


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