Smorgasbord ‘n Smidgens


I’d like to share with you today a few pictures and a few links….

My March birthday this year was sprinkled with friends, food and fun. How could you not have good times when you are surrounded by great people?

A couple of the friends who enjoy the family and are frequent visitors surprised me with two special gifts…an outside light and a little fountain! Our daughter, Rosie, schemed together the idea of putting the background to it. So she rustled up her helpers (her brother and brother-in-law) and made a lovely lawn landmark that we will all enjoy in years to come!


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Visiting with a dear friend. Father Lillard, at Ordinations this year:


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Babies! Babies!


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Father VanderPutten flew in from Nigeria for, what seemed to us, a short visit.



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Our cute little grand-people “hanging out” watching their hero…..their dad. 🙂


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Lovely Ladies, Lovely Flowers!




The following links are a smorgasbord of some interesting, fun or inspiring stuff that you may find valuable in your own life. It does not mean that I endorse the whole site, just the individual posts that I have linked to.

Often we talk about modesty for the ladies. This article, Modesty is for Boys, Too presents some practical guidelines for the guys, too.

I think we are all aware of the mind-blowing persecution going on in the Middle East. We have been offering our rosaries, our holy hours, and our masses for those suffering so much. This article, The Face of REAL Persecution will stop us dead in our tracks when we begin to complain about inconsequential things. We have SO MUCH to be grateful for!

Do you find yourself run ragged? Do you know your own limitations and how to say no? This article from the blog Life in the Shoe may help you to be more honest with yourself and others when it comes to setting practical and realistic expectations of your own boundaries. One of her opening lines is… “I would like to offer an observation that frequently we as women do tend to overdo what we do for others.  We do and do and do, run ourselves into the ground, get worn out and then we can’t function anymore.”

Show this to your kids. Texting and Driving is rampant in the young and old alike. We all need the reminder. It’s not graphic but has good statistics and is just a potent reminder.

Do you want to show your priest that you support him? Here are 19 Ways to Let Your Parish Priest Know You Appreciate Him

In this article, Michelle Duggar touches briefly on the topic of modesty with your girls and how important it is to have good communication with them so they understand the reasoning behind modesty. They can then make good choices. It is not all about just telling them “no”.

If you are always feeling like you have to provide for your children that special, thrilling childhood by regularly having “quality time” with them, think again. This article I’m Done Making My Kids Childhood Magical may relieve some of the stress load. We may not agree on all the points but the general gist of it is excellent.

GALLERY! (I told you this was a smorgasbord…..)  😀

This gallery includes my new necklace sets and some of my autumn items for sale at http://www.meadowsofgrace.com. Click on the first picture to view some pretties! 🙂


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